Monday, May 23, 2005

ada di sini

I am still alive.hehehe...

been busy with ups and down of my life for the past few weeks.

downs :

my grant application to go to USA to study under Avner the Eccentric this august 05 under that skim latihan penggiat seni, kementerian kesenian kebudayaan dan warisan malaysia was rejected. I can always accept the decision made by the board but the reason they gave was really crap - that they only can consider short courses under 6 months period. But then , my course is going to be only for 2 weeks!

anyway, i am going to write an appeal to the honourable minister himself. To me it is quite simple; if you don't ask, the answer will always be NO! mana tau rezeki ada kan. if not padan muka depa (board members) for not reading my application! hahaha!



I will be clowning in few hospitals in June - July 05. Phewww! my budget paper for the visits was approved last week. I will be in Kota Kinabalu in late June - clowning at the Hospital Queen Elizabeth. I will then proceed to HUSM Kubang Kerian in early July and PPUM in mid July. Been reading book by Caroline Simonds and Bernie Warren, The Clown Doctor Chronicles, and will incorporate some of the interesting approach she described in the book during the visits.

my juggling improving. now I can do two styles. Yippee!


my 2 pages proposal paper on microcredit program was "well received" by the old man last week. "well received' means it won't be returned with the remarks "Redo!". Instead he commented, " Good efforts!" and gave his additional inputs.

It will be developed further with the helps of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia, Insha Allah. It means a lot to me. if you remember my posting on "about a mother", this program will help her to stand on her own feet by giving her small loan to start off her self-employment project. Hopefully, when it is going to be launched next year (2006) , around 100 cancer patients/survivors/families can be helped through this wonderful program.


I was in Langkawi recently staying at the "ibu mertuaku" house (hahaha....). We just finished our cancer road tour in Kangar and she invited us to spend our weekends at her place in Langkawi. Nice place really. It was so peaceful and quiet. And what I enjoyed most was the nice collection of books in the house. There, I got a chance to devour the stacks of Journals of Malaysian Branch of Royal Asiatic Society (JMBRAS) belongs to her judge-husband. And reading The Undeclared War by James, H & Sheil-Small, D. , Leo Cooper Ltd, 1971 , I came across some information on the Squadron 845 stationed in Naga Gaat during the confrontation. It confirmed the facts that 3 crashes happened in the early months 1965 in which one in March that killed my late uncle, Pvte. Abdul Hamid Mohamed. At least now I know how life is like at that forward base of Squadron 845 during the confrontation.

what's next?

I don't dwell so much on the downs. Fair enough, if I can't go to study clowning this year, next year will give me more time to raise the necessary funds for the trip. I believe in niat. Kalau niat yang baik, Insya Allah it will be easier to achieve.


Awang Goneng said...

Shame on them for having treated you so shabbily. Or maybe they thought 2 weeks was longer than half a year. It can appear to be so: I was in one shabby town for a whole year one afternoon.

You're lucky to have access to those journals at your in-laws. The publisher Leo Cooper that you mention is the husband of Jilly Cooper, writer of books with much romping in the haystack.

Best wishes.

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

pak awang,

thanks for dropping by.

nak buek camno with the bureaucrats in the ministry. it's the same story all over again.

I am going to subscribe to JMBRAS soon. For just RM30 per subscription it is certainly much cheaper than Reader Digest.

Anonymous said...

Is, laaah.. rupanya dah jalan merata-rata dan buat macam-macam kerja. Ingatkan masih beratur kat citibank hehehe...

Hope you'll get to go to US again! Try and try and jangan give up.


Anonymous said...

Is, laaa ingatkan masih beratur. Rupanya dah buat macam-macam kerja.

Jangan give up Is, cuba and cuba lagi. Inshaallah, you'll get there one day.


Anonymous said...

Insya'ALLAH Isk, niat you tu baik!!

Ehh, can you entertain me ahh when I go in for my 6th chemo cycle next month? Juggle juggle..clowining clowning!! :P~~

hey, I'm proud of you. Keep on trying!! Don't you give up!! Take care.

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...
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Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

m@abz: thanks. ni nak beratur sekali lagi this weekend...hehe

mobilemom: sure no problemo. let me know when...i will definitely bring along my latest gadget to cheer u up!

Anonymous said...

Hope you get the grant some way somehow...all the best! InsyaAllah.

Keep clownin'!!

Kak Teh said...

laaaa Is! sapa depa tu? habark mai...kita panggil bai tairu and bomoh siam! :) Tak pa mungkin rezki lebih besar menunggu especially untuk niat yang baik. Insyaallah

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

ck: thanks for your kind words.

kakteh: kita panggil bai tairu hantaq pi santau yogurt kat depa!hehe..

Anonymous said...

aku ni pergi teater free je Is. Teater yang kena bayar maksimum RM10 je. Yang mahal-mahal, kalau nasib baik, aku dapat replace org. Itupun kalau kawan aku ajak.

Anonymous said...

that was me - salina

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...


pandai ko ya! :)

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

ms bizwack,

halifax, west yorkshire, eh? ah i still remember the good old days. alahai car boot sales on sunday near the clock tower. and that wind turbines that we used to visit. ayoyoyoyo....sweet memories flooding back...

OOD said...

oh, you ARE a serious clown. Now i know. Bestnya. My Dot calls all clowns 'Papa', dont know why.

Kuatkan dagu, man!

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

ood: mom still having problem to describe what I am doing to the neighbours bila depa tanya... lantaklah!

atenah said...

i got a grant or 2, you sure can one. i agree, apply and apply lagi, the more you apply, the bigger chance of getting it.

crvbola said...

assalamualikum..whoaaa..long time no see....poor u with all d frustration..but be strong