I am going to be 31 in a few days time.Never interested to celebrate it whatsoever. It is just a number added. Anyway, it would be nice to spend the day (It's Sunday!) reading these books:

Ah. going to Kinokinuya KLCC this weekend to see whether it's available on the shelves.
happy bday iskandar!! 7th jan ya :)) semoga panjang umur murah rezeki byk amal bakti
Is, happy birthday terlebih dulu. Tak apa, kalau nak buku tu, pi kat kaunter - suruh depa tulis dalam buku 555 kak teh.
happy birthday. takkan birthday nak baca buku jer? tak rock lah :-)
btw,aku jumpa KL lagi sekali tadi.dia kirim salam
Happy Birthday Iskandar! May Peace and Joy be with you always.
Selamat Hari Ulang Tahun Is. Semoga di berkati usia dan di pertingkatkan iman.
selamat panjang umur serta dipertingkatkan kemuliaan
ni hint2 nak pwezen buku tu ke?let me know kalau KL tak ada...
Best wishes, dude on ur 30+1 bday.
Now, where the hell is those carbootsales when drbubbles need them to add more to his book collections...
errr....jgn marah aa nak tanya la, any news on the jerantut damsel?
happy happy birthday abg is. may allah bless you and have a great year ahead.
semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, dirahmati allah selalu.
munirah: thank you!dah tua lorr
kakteh: your article on syazwan dalam berita minggu hari ini.dah tanya awek cashier dia cakap,
" nak masuk buku yang mana satu? ada 3 buku 555 atas nama kakteh!"
joe: i am the most boring person in the world lah! hahaha..wsalam.met her sister the other day while visiting syazwan
wonda: thank you thank you...
klmuk: thank you sis
nazrah: tq> hehehe..taknak buku! nak nombor telefon rye boleh????
manal: thank you for sms me in the middle of the night. aku dah berdengkur..hahaha..no news from that damsel. consider it history lah.
nadya: thank you nad....
bubz: ehmmm, nombor rye? nak buat apa dgn nomber dia...bukan u tgh usha anak kakteh ke?
nazrah: kakteh offer her beranak 6 cat snowbella instead!! ( okla kalau tak bagi no rye, kirim salam kat dia aje pun dah OK!) ahahaha!
ohhh noooo..... i'm extremely late... a week to be exact....
well, my dearest fren. i really really hope it isnt too late to wish a happy belated birthday. i reckon u had a blast that day with whoever u celebrated it with. and a really big thank you for your help when i was in kl the other time. really really owe u a big time.
Happy belated birthday. May all your dreams and wishes come true.
oppsss.. happy belated birthday..
naz; ala nothing la..small matter
jiwarasa: thanks bro
little healer: dah tua lorrrr..arghhh
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