Jetlag still.
It was a truly wonderfilled trip.
Found what I have been searching for.
The best compliment came from Avner Eisenberg himself who praised my simple yet profoundly hilarious performance during the workshop by saying;

a clown and his peanut butter sandwich
"There is no man in this world who work so hard but achieve so little"
p.s: Will be busy this week; writing post-trip reports & articles,planning for upcoming workshop (ada sesiapa nak join?),going to Ipoh for career talk during oldboys weekend at my alma mater -STAR Ipoh.
Kata ada ambik gambo WalMart?? Mano? NI den nak lepas gian tengok WalMart. Sini tengok Target and K-Mart je... :P hehehehehhe
Slow and steady bro. You'll get everything done on time!! ;)
Is, welcome back - but pls keep yr ears eyes, nostrils and segala2nya open - esp from bilik berita basi.
Welcome back!
Can't wait for your next posting...
welcome back is!! we (kak teh,me & bom) baru mention kau that day during our once a year annual chat! muahaha.. missed your presence. u take care, do post us a write-up!
mm: kita ada amik sat sat lai kita post..
kakteh: heheh..berita basi or sensasi? i am smelling whiff of belachan...
jiwa:tgh do cari quiet time to betul tis week.
maknenek: patutle aku batuk-2 2-3 menjak ni..ada orang ngumpat ek?
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