War of Running Dogs by Noel Barber

At the Court of Pelesu and Other Malayan Stories by Sir Hugh Clifford

Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja 1933-1968 by Syed Othman Syed Omar ( good book I must say!described bit more detail on the Wessex crash that killed my uncle - at least now I know more of what happened that fateful day)
Now waiting for these books to be devoured soon.

Ki in Daily Life by Koichi Tohei

The paper propeller, The spinning quarter and the jumping frog by Arthur Okamura
aku suka baca bila sedih...
rojakbuah: i pun. dunno why last week dah kemaruk balik baca buku cover tu cover.. puas hati.
dulu asyik cubit skit sini sana.
nong: ayoyo..ini parah juga ada.. :)
i can never do that. respect those people yang rajin baca buku ni...
shidah: I have been soo lazy to read for years. In fact I hate fiction. dunno why. don't ask me for grisham or etc. never done any.
lately aje terasa nak baca betul betul... ( cover to cover)
Is, I likeeeeee your book selections!
psssttttt .... pass sini lepas baca, boleh tak?
BTW the books at my parents' yang you teringin nak baca (the old books) are so old you have to be prepared to fight off the silverfish when you open the books, hee hee.
QOTH: lagi lama lagi best. tajuk apa yang ada tu? hikayat awang sulung merah muda?syair siti zubaidah? suloh bahasa? :
boleh pass buku buku tu...dah siap baca..camno nak passkan tu?
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