Saturday, July 15, 2006


Forget about SITI and DATUK K for a while.

Please save your " duit suratkhabar" to help LAILA, a young Myanmarese refugee who needs your help urgently.

Call my friend Aris Oziar from MSF (Medecin Sans Frontiers) for details.


ManaL said...

Can i still say about CT-Datuk K...17 July 2006, afternoon and what was ur feelings? relieved? deceived? happy? crappy? For the 1st ever in my life, i can say that CT is actually ayu sitting next to abe misai. So jitut, u have to find ur own CT la next time...kembara model CT ke kan.

Uja said...

Bro, I was reaaaally expecting a Datuk K and Siti update from your Bilik Berita Basi. But alas, something else more important indeed! Podah dengan itu kenduri kahwin, kalau tak jemput aku - apa aku peduli! LOL

Anyway, Aris is still in KL?? I was trying to find his contact, but alas. Can pls send my regards to him and give him my contact?

Unknown said...

Sudahlah Is, Jangan diingat kisah nan lalu. Bunga bukan sekuntum. Pergi cari yang lain..:)