Friday, July 29, 2005

Keluarga Ayah Pin


Foto terbaru Keluarga Ayah Pin....

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Ringgit peg removed -effect to a clown

Ringgit peg is removed. no more exchange rate at RM3.80 per 1 USD.

this clown is really really worried.

He must go to the bank first thing TOMORROW morning and change the ringgit to dollar notes.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

grant story I

Booked my flight ticket to NYC yesterday. EDT : 9.20 a.m. , 11 August 2005. Taking my leave starting tomorrow until this weekend in order to settle the grant thingy. Nak buat medical check-up, sahkan surat perjanjian, mati setem, etc. Ah reminded me of the time when I did my scholarship agreement many years ago.
The grant will cover my airfare, tuition fees and small stipends. They won't cover my travel cost while travelling from NYC to Maine. I am letting go the fund assistance from my organisation. Malas nak guna duit derma orang ramai for cancer. Raising funds for cancer, I know how important it is funds to be channeled to the deserving patients. And personally, I am not comfortable to be "bonded" for several years for the assistance.

So now I got to get another USD500 (RM2000) to cover the travel cost before my departure day. Already asked around for help. Told my dad recently that I won't be able to pay for the his car loan installment for this month. He nodded and said, " we will find our way". Sad jugak dengar. Nak buat camno. Mak told me not to worry.

On the other hand, rezeki murah juga. Avner & Julie invited me to stay over for 1-2 days to get over the jet lag at their place in Peaks Island, Maine, before the course starts. Therefore boleh lah save a little bit of money there and the plus point is I would be able to get up-close and personal with the one of the world's leading teachers of physical comedy at his own retreat. Banyak boleh belajar nanti. (And I can jog around the 2 miles-long trek on the island in the morning, too.)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

tandas masjid

Chatted with kakteh not so long time ago about this. somehow forgotten about it until reading anedra's blog today. One thing that really pissed me off - filthy toilets in the mosques around the country. Travelling around the country recently gave me the perfect glimpse of the condition of the toilets in the mosques, surau or madrasah from Perlis to Johor.

I simply can't understand while we preached to 'mengimarah' the masjid, asking people to berduyun-duyun datang bersolat berjemaah, yet at the same time we forget the very simple task of looking after the cleanliness of the toilets in the holy places like this. Susah sangat ke nak cuci tandas tiap tiap hari? Berapa minit nak ambil? busy sangat ka?

I dropped by at a mosque near Kubang Rotan, Kedah during my recent trip to Kedah( no discount - i will reveal the mosque that comes last in the list) wanting to use the toilet and as I walked toward the men's toilet, the overpowering smells just had made me to walk away. Same goes to that small masjid in Kuala Linggi, Melaka. Tak berjaga! Kenapa?

Looking into my own backyard, I prayed jumaat once in a small mosque in Kg Kerambit, and noticed how the carpet in the prayer hall was peppered with that tiny black white top missiles ( tahi cicak). Hallo? No need to go further to the toilet's condition if the floor is dirty, right?

I am so disgusted really. Nak blame sapa ya? Jawatankuasa masjid? makmum? imam? bilal? Ntahlah.
I pondered. How can we want the young people or just people to embrace the mosque if the mosque itself does not shine the lights of purity? We should be ashamed with ourselves.

Perhaps now. I feel that to go to the mosque is becoming ritualistic rather than to nurture the concept of wholeness of life.
Oh by the way, dont' despair...there still clean toilets you can find in many mosque. Try pi masjid Putrajaya....nice..

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Good news 1 - I got the grant!

Good news 2 - remember my blog "about a mother". She sms-ed me the other day; she and her daughter was offered a 3 year contract with a local production house to produce an album.

Monday, July 04, 2005

KL Charity Duck Race 2005

race day : 4th September 2005

where: Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur

aim: to raise RM1,000,000

beneficiaries: Majlis Kanser Nasional (MAKNA) & Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation

how you can help: adopt a rubber duck for RM18 or USD5 (equivalentlah) or be a volunteer to sell the duck

who can participate: anybody who lives in this planet . sebab this event memang WORLD!

where to get the adoption certificates: from me ( i got 3 books to sell) and from watsons stores in Peninsular Malaysia or

what's in it for you: if your adopted duck cross the finish line the first -you will win RM1,000,000 (if you are lucky enough to get the red duck for adoption - all the duck are randomly tagged so no way you could choose the red one).

If your adopted duck is yellow - you will get RM10,000.

Frequent FAQ:

1. can I have the duck for myself because it is sooo cute? Not for free. bayarla. RM9.90 aje.

2. what happened during the race day on the 4th Sept? carnival, performance by artiste, line dancing, bazaar etc.

3. Do I get the chance to meet DR Bubbles that day? tak. tgh tidor kat umah kot sebab jetlag balik dari USA on the 3rd of Sept morning. hehehe....


Friday, July 01, 2005


Saya suka berbual dengan orang. Mungkin sifat ini diwarisi daripada abah yang memang terkenal dengan keperamahannya. Selalu kalau abah lambat balik dari pasar, kata mak “ biasalah abah, habis semua orang di pasar dia tegur”.Macam wakil rakyat. Kami selalu pening kepala kalau waktu kenduri kendara. Bila ditanya tentang jemputan, siapa yang dia jemput? berapa ramai? memang tiada jawapan konkrit dari abah. Sedar-sedar, bila hari kenduri, berpusu-pusu orang datang. Kalau kenduri kahwin ( sudah 3 kali), jemputan yang datang mesti tidak kurang dari 1000 orang. Stail abah – jumpa orang dimana-nama terus jemput. Yang peliknya kalau dijemput mesti datang dan lauk dan nasi minyak mesti cukup dan sedap!

Hari ini saya sepatutnya bertemu dengan Prof Shukor Kasim dari Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia untuk berbincang tentang projek Mikrokredit MAKNA di pejabatnya. Semalam sudah menelefon pembantunya, Puan N. Dia M.C. Susah betul nak bercakap dgn Pn. N untuk tetapkan temujanji dgn Prof Shukor sebelum ini. Cuti, MC dan sebagainya. Kali terakhir bercakap dengannya Isnin lepas. Nak marah juga rasanya bila berhadapan dengan karenah orang macam ni.

Pagi-pagi tadi , Pn. N menelefon saya dan memaklumkan kepada saya tentang temujanji tersebut dan sebelum meletakkan telefon, saya sempat “ringan mulut” dengan ramahnya bertanya kepada Pn. N,

“ Pn. N, you tak sihat ke 2-3 menjak ni?”

Dia menjawab, “ Oh, suami saya meninggal baru-baru ini”. Oh! Tergamam saya sejenak. Timbul rasa simpati. Rupa-rupanya ada sebab kenapa Pn. N sukar dihubungi selama ini. 2 minggu lalu suaminya meninggal dunia akibat penyakit jantung yang hanya diketahui Pn. N sebulan selepas mereka berkahwin. Sudah 6 tahun mereka berkahwin dan sepanjang 6 tahun itulah dia menjaga suaminya dengan tekun.

Maka, bermulalah perbualan panjang saya dengan Pn. N. Dia bercerita tentang arwah suaminya yang menghidap penyakit jantung sejak mereka mula berkahwin dahulu. Dia terus bercerita tentang rawatan berbulan-bulan dijalani oleh arwah suaminya itu. Banyak kisah kami bualkan.Saya banyak mendengar dari bercakap ketika itu.

Selepas selesai dan meletakkan telefon, saya terfikir betapa mudahnya juga kita membuat tanggapan tentang sesuatu perkara tanpa usul periksa. Saya ‘terkena’ hari ini (reminds me of the concept of paradigm shift).

Dan saya juga merasa pelik kerana betapa mudahnya seseorang itu meluahkan rasa dan berkongsi sesuatu yang mungkin terlalu peribadi kepada orang yang baru dikenali.

I learned something today.