Friday, November 14, 2008

A tribute to a great teacher

I received a reply in my earlier posting on Qurbani:


Err..hello sir.

Ya may not know me..cuz i've just been reading through your entire posts in ur blowing bubbles blog.Cheers bro, it's a really nice name btw.

And one of ur posts REALLY caught my attention, which actually mentioned my mum's name. LOL. I'm Puan Siti Sarah's daughter. Sounds a little odd aye?

Psstt. Was my mum REALLY REALLY STRICT last time? Haha. "I'm totally touched with that post.HE MEMORIZED MY FULL NAME!", were her exact words. Lol. It's a lovely effort you got over there sir to make the world a better place for all of us. We wish ya all the best in everything that you do in ur life and may Allah bless ya.

Cheers.~Fatin Hazirah aka hazzakaulitz~

I could only replied her with a fitting tribute to this very great teacher, her mom,Cikgu Siti Sarah Daimun.Something that I have been wanting to say after all these years.

Wsalam Fatin,

What a lovely surprise! You read the entire posts in this blog?Ayo!

You are her daughter?Are you the one who is now pursuing medicine in Ireland?If so,she spoke proudly of you, you know.Really really proud!What a small world indeed to meet you,her daughter, in this blogging world.

Alhamdulillah, I managed to track her down few months back after searching for her for so many years.I could imagine how surprised she was to receive my call that day.And we, I believe,talked for hours reminiscing the good old days.

Yes, your mum was very strict during her Maths class but she never beat us,don't worry.Haha! But we all so loved her for that.

The fact that she was from TunkuKurshiah College (TKCian) made us ever determined to heckle her yet she knew so well how to'sidestep' incessant pranks and remarks from us and sometimes rebutted us with her 'sarcastic' remarks (and of course leaving us dumbfounded!). And yet we still loved her!

Pssst...One of the thing we used to make fun behind her back during her class was her big big retro style spectacles!Hahahaha! Syyyyy! Please don't tell this to her.We are still scared of her, you know!Hahaha...

Anyway jokes aside, do you know that when she was about to leave STAR Ipoh for St.Anthony, Teluk Intan, we held a farewell party for her. Came to the part where she gave her farewell speech yet halfway through,she couldn't finished it as tears rolling down her face.And some 30 odd number of boys joined the chorus and cried too!

I don't think I would ever cry for a great teacher since then.

I believe that if it wasn't because of the great educators like her (plus others) who tirelessly giving their best in imparting the knowledge and wisdoms to us, personally, I don't think I will become the person that I am now.

For that, I am forever grateful.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jom Berqurban!

Check IRM's website for details.You can also register directly HERE.

Would you help?

Consider these facts:

A man, Zakaria,38, who had a massive heart attack and now need an angiogram procedure & stenting in a hospital to open up his blocked heart vessels. He has lost his passport and has been working illegal in this country as a construction worker for the past two years and who got family back home. He is a man with no country.

The cost for angiogram is at least RM600 and stenting is about RM5000.Without the operation he will very likely to die. At this point of time the cardiologist and 2 colleagues ( one of them is my friend who texted me the info for help) who are trying their best to save Zakaria's life are willing to chip in themselves but it's still it is too much for them to bear.

Do not ask me such questions:

Why can't the hospital cover all the cost?
Who is this man?
Is he for real?
Why should we help him?
Why can't UNHCR helps,etc?

I have no answers for that.

Simply, all I know, there is a man is going to die without the operation-without the necessary funds.If you want to donate to cover the operation cost - please email me personally to

After considering all these facts, would you help?

Monday, November 10, 2008


Birokrasi.Karenah yang menyakitkan hati.Kapal terbang sudah 'ready'. Lori nak hantar ke KLIA pun sudah 'standby'. Sudah ikut saluran yang betul. Tapi masih lagi 'pushing papers' ke sana-sini. Malah khabarnya diminta kita pula menyelesaikan masalah 'custom clearance' dan sebagainya. Malu kita dibuatnya dengan wakil negara yang hendak dibantu dengan karenah orang kita sendiri.

Senang sahaja 'ubatnya'.Saya karang surat kepada Pak Menteri - minta tolong bantu dan selesaikan.Dulu saya pernah tulis kepada beliau tentang hal yang lain, dan saya kagum kerana dia baca surat-surat orang marhain dan beri perhatian sewajarnya.Alhamdulillah.Saya terhutang budi benar dengan Pak Menteri yang ini.Harap kali ini beliau dapat membantu.

Marilah kita sama-sama berdoa agar bantuan yang amat kecil ini dapat dihantar secepat mungkin ke sana.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Berjumaat di Bangkok

Saya berada di Bangkok 2 minggu lepas menghadiri Asian Muslim Network Consultation Meeting on Climate Change di Alexander Hotel, Ramkhamkheng Road, Bangkapi, Bangkok.

"It was an 'academic' meeting". Advocacy and policy-making bukan bidang saya tetapi banyak ilmu yang saya kutip daripada perbincangan berkenaan. Saya benar-benar teruja kerana bukan sahaja cendiakawan,saintis dan aktivis muslim terlibat di dalam mesyuarat berkenaan, tetapi juga seorang paderi, Holy Father John Brinkman dari Mary Knoll Foundation turut sama berkongsi ilmu dan berbincang tentang isu sejagat.

Malah beliau turut mengekori kami ke masjid di seberang terusan (khlong) di belakang hotel ketika Solat Jumaat.

Pix1:Masjid Ridwanool Islam (Khlong Yan),Bangkapi

Pix2: Masjid dari seberang khlong.

Pix3: Beratur untuk menaiki 'feri'.

Pix4: "Feri' digerakkan oleh seorang 'mesin' dan tiket berharga 2 bhat.

Pix5: Murtabak. Makanan halal senang didapati di sepanjang Jalan Ramkhamheng ini.