Had a very fun day at Great Eastern Mall yesterday. Me and Sam was clowning with cancer children from PPUM. We were supposed to mingle around with the kids but somehow due to unforeseen circumstance ( erghh!!) we were ask to do an impromptu show. The local celebrity singer who supposed to come didn't turned up. Can't help it but to proceed with improvised show. no back up music whatsoever. we did improvised games and sang songs. We just grab the kids and the parent to join us.
Anyway, we had a great fun with the kids. Sam busy with ballooning and I was busy making jokes and improvising with the kids and their parents. Sam and I comes from different school of clowning thoughts. He is from traditional american clowning school of thoughts whereas I am more towards european theatrical clowning way. I seldom do balloons and stuff as I believe my role is to create interactions. We complement each other.
Hey! anedra was there! Laaaa.... kenapa tak datang and tegur saya?

So it was you!! Next time, I shall definitely say hello and pinch that big red nose! Like I said, you did a great job! well done! ;)
yes! it was me! next time kalo jumpa clown with white coat (the only clown in malaysia who don lab coat) cepat-cepat pinch his red nose! yes it was fun event despite its impromptu"ness". we were covering for missing singer actually. the moment i enjoyed most was when a boy asked me to play with him by riding up and down the escalator. that's magical moment!
Dr Badooot,
You never fail to make people enjoy themselves and being comfortable with your clowning. Even when you are not clowning, you are still funny in your own ways!! When you share your experience with us, it was an eye opener. ;) When you came and visit me at the hospital, that night was CSI:LV night and you diverted our attention to you naturally!! Hehehehe... you are REALLY fun to be with. Keep it up. You cheer this heart of mine. ;) Take care buddy.
hehehe AKAK mobilemom,
you too has diverted me from CSI:LV ..hehhehe..my favorite show tu!
Issssshhhhhh ada ORANG tu nak kena buat Ketuk ketampi 10x!!! :P
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