alhamdulillah. esok will be organising 2nd workshops at HUKM. around 10 people are coming for the workshop. Will teach them theatrical aspects of hospital clowning; complicity,improvisations and problem solving and of course fun part - playing bubble soaps!
Woit, HUKM is very nearby to my house. Do drop by if you can, but call first, preferably... it's 013-394 0703
DrBubbles .... What you are doing is awesome and very noble .... you know, I was mulling over the Rakan HUKM programme (or something) after our 3-weeks experience with the NICU, but I just don't know if I am cut out (strong enough) to do something like this (what do you think?) ...
clown doctor tu cmne? ;)
isk..you missed out the bubble blowing session!! citt.. if i read this post b4 saturday boleh i ingatkan you :D
p/s: i have another brother to be apprenticed. tapi dia tgh buat spm skrg, nanti i'll drag him along as well
hhmmm. tak kuat hati la tgk org sakit nih..
kagum la sama abg is!
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