Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cukup Makan??

You said, "Rakyat cukup makan?"

Look at the stuff we bought for the poor for our Ramadhan's Feed The Fasting program. RM50 for all that and to feed a family of five. And due to price increase, the items is less than what we bought last year. Do you think they will 'cukup makan' with that for even less than a week?

Damn Shabery!

Note: I will update you on how you can feed the poor during Ramadhan 1429H with just RM50.


Rashid Sariani said...

RM 50 for the family of five? Hmm some of us just spent it in kueh and laksa during fasting month for the family of five.. You show me the small steps counts mate..

n.i. said...

dr bubbles,
pls do... :-)

NURAZZAH8 said...

ya...memang terasa sangat sekarang...pergi pasar dengan RM50 macam RM5 (zaman dahulu) sahaja!

beli ini sikit, beli itu sikit...dah habis RM50!!!!

kalau saya nak feed a family of 10!!!! shopping groceries kat TESCO ke, kat Giant ke... satu troli... bila bayar mesti nak mencecah RM500!!! itu barang kering sahaja... belum lagi makanan basah yg beli kat pasar tiap2 minggu...

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

Rashid: no hal bro.Teringat Ramadhan di Bradford.Buat Salad dalam baldi (bersih OK!) and melapah kambing buat sate goreng untuk Raya.

n.i: Puan, I will let you know the soonest.

nurazzah8: Puan,kita yang selesa ini pun terasa beratnya apatah lagi mereka.

lady pot pet said...

You know what Is, ask the bloody politicians to eat those stuff yg cost RM50 for a family of 5 tu in a week...hish mau kebulur dorang. Gilos...ask them to cekik it themselves la..haiya..don't mind my language.gerrrrammmmmmmmmm......

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

kak ahnis: Sabar je lah kan?Oh by the way, our jumble sale dah nak masuk second time dah this 27th June.Last time raised RM1429.00 over the weekend.

Anonymous said...

jeansLusuh nak bagik komen pasal si mamat Shabery mulut berbuih nie, tapi takut Dr Bubbles x meluluskan penyiarannya kat dalam blog die nie .. apapun jeansLusuh nak mencarut jugak sikit .. Shabery next time kalau lu nak berucap depan tv atau khalayak ramai bawak banyak2 tisu ... busuk beb air liur luu yg bertakung kak bibir cam nabil tuu ... nak makanpun x lalu kalau tengok wajah tampan lu kat dalam suratkabar .. hampeh
