Drbubbles sedang menegotiate nilai hantaran untuk kucing kakteh Snowbella sambil diarbitrate oleh Elviza.Nilai hantaran yang dipertikaikan ialah 2 buah buku GUIT iaitu RM79.80 (sebelum diskaun!)
Kakteh pula memberi hujahnya kenapa nilai hantaran untuk Snowbella mestilah tinggi daripada offer Drbubbles itu.
Akhirnya mengikut pengadilan oleh Elviza, keputusan berpihak kepada Drbubbles menyebabkan kakteh tak mau pandang langsung drbubbles yang senyum lebar itu!
People at GUIT booksigning session at Kinokinuya KLCC, Sunday, 9th Dec 2007.
For more commentaries from the attendees:
Pak Ancient Mariner
Pak Zawi
Pak JaffPoint
Pak Zabs
1000th thanks to Abe MatSalo for the photos!
hahaha. you made me laugh =).
Salam drbubbles,
That is the other side of the story that we are not aware of. Ni mesti dah pakat dengan Elviza ni, kalau tidak mana boleh hntaran tu murah sangat, at least 1000 serba satu termasuk makanan terbaik utnuk Snowbella.
kahkahkah!!!! jgn lupa masuk dlm bajet hadiah untuk adik-beradik snowbell...
I wish I had come. I don't know whether they remember but Awang Goneng and Kak teh were my nominated guardians when I was in boarding school in England. I only had the occasion to meet them once for dinner and apart from 1 visit to Bush House for a hari raya broadcast after that they never really heard from me because I was no trouble at all in school (although at university it was a different story and by that time they were not responsible for me anymore).
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