Saturday, May 17, 2008

Syazwan (3)

It was heartbreaking when this question popped out from a 5 year old boy,

"Kenapa doktor nak buang mata Baby?"

I brought along soft jellylike hairy slinky ball for him. He was quite awake just now but only his fingers playing and caressing the ball.


Kak Teh said...

is, it is heartbreaking to see this picture. How everyone tried to help - those in america and everywhere. I remember that morning i got your sms to say he was not coming to london for the operation - I just cried so much.Before that i had just received an email from someone who was going to give syazwan a winter jacket. So much generosity - and now this. But let's doa that this is the end of syazwan's sufferings.

nadya.s said...

u make me cry again la abg is..

syazwan make me so bersyukur,kerana punya penglihatan.alhamdulillah.

he's so strong,allah bagi dugaan sebegini.semogo sentiasa di lindungi-Nya.

ManaL said...

Do u think he can get eye donation (from the dead ones esp) to get it or both pair of eyes fixed into his eye socket?

I hope he will continue to survive and be someone successful in the future!

For all that i know, he is now blessed with this ability: See No Evil!

lady pot pet said...

Allah...Is,it really broke my heart to see Baby Syazwan in that situation, apalagi with that question.... Semoga dia dalam peliharaan Allah SWT sentiasa.

Anonymous said...

Salam buat MR. Pacth Adam Malaysia....

Tahniah kerana anda melakukan sesuatu yang unik dan menarik tapi berfaedah untuk semua.

Diharap satu nanti,saudara dapat mengunjungi kami untuk berkongsi suka dan duka serta bertukar-tukar pendapat.

Mohd zawawi muda
Pendidikan khas Bermasalahan pelajaran
SMK Tengku AMpuan Intan

Roti Kacang Merah said...

alah, i tak tahan lah masuk blog you. too 'real a world' for me. i'm so so weak... :"(

hats off to you lah doc, for being so emotionally strong...

i pernah pi sekali layan budak-budak kat rumah solehah pun, balik tu i terus sedih berhari-hari...

no wonder my husband tak nak pergi tolong di Acheh dulu. Dia kata emosi dia tak kuat nak handle benda-benda ni. i faham perasaan dia.

i tak boleh bayangkan dunia ni tanpa orang macam you. ish...

my love and du'a to adik syazwan... much much love and du'a.

lifeinside said...

my prayers go with him upon facing the world - but in my humble opinion he won't lose much insya-Allah, there's many good things waiting in store for him.

Shekeen said...

i will pray for this boy, as he brought too much emotions and tears to me...

really heartbreaking...

Unknown said...



Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

kakteh: let us doa for him.

nadya: we learnt a lot from this boy kan..

manal: if there's such option before, we could have tried.

kak ahnis: let us doa for him.

zawawi: terima kasih kerana singgah di sini. Insya Allah.

rotikacangmerah: let us doa for him.

lifeinside & shekeen: let's us doa for him for the best!

pakpayne: berat kita memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul.