Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I have stopped asking why...

I have stopped asking why they can't help a boy to save his eyes,

I have stopped asking why there is no books for the kids to read,

I have stopped asking why they can't afford to send their boys to a good school,

I have stopped asking why the systems does not work,

I have stopped asking why because it much easier for me to make things happened or change it.


The Tea Drinker said...


opportunity. when there is a lacking, there will be an opportunity for someone to help fill it in.

and if someone doesn't help fill it in, there will be an opportunity for someOne to ask them "now why didn't u?"

i've asked the same question and ended up with another question 'when can i do something too?'.

u've got and acted on ur answer, doc. congrats!

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

Tuan Tea Drinker, I could not agree more!